So all in the name of love says he that wins at the end of the day
Marriage is no longer, the Bible's sacred way
It was a court of nine that changed an aged old tradition
Amazing how much power we have given to the politician
"We the People" If I recall, was the history I was taught
Now we are nothing but puppets to whom the politicos were bought
There is no more "we" for the people in this land
Unless we bow to the mighty powerful Uncle Sam
Don't get me wrong my friends, for gays I have no quarrel
It is not for me to say what some would say is immoral
I am not your judge or jury it's not for me to decide
But if you wear a black long robe, you can change the tide
The fabric of this nation was found on God given rights
And a man and woman in marriage was never a political fight
It was custom and tradition for many thousands of years
But 5 judges just cast it away amid there homophobic fears
A man loves man or a woman loves woman that's okay with me
Because we are individuals from sea to shining sea
One cannot change his heart no more than he can change his color
But five robes should not get to speak for all of the other
So who will speak for the Christian who believes tradition should stay
I guess the ones in black robes care much more for the gay
We have the first amendment and the exercise of religion
Not much left of that one, maybe just a smidgen
Seems every where we go, religion is being attacked
I wonder when will the black robes pen a case for that
Instead we must make our cakes for weddings to which we disagree
Religion takes a back seat to commerce and economy
But more than that, we've whisked away all that symbolizes God
From our courts and public buildings from our mountains and our sod
The Cross must come down for it offends a few in this nation
But we all must accept gay marriage because of 5 black robes occupation
So I am sure some will call me a bigot or maybe even worse
If you do, you miss the message of this very verse
Who you love same or different is really not the point
All I've said it is not for five black robes to anoint
In the end I have no problem for a gays legal right to marriage
But he who does, must have respect for those who do not share it
A photographer or baker of simple Christian belief
Should have the right to choose through faith and not be given grief
So I say to the mighty black robes what's next for you to say
We can marry three, or four, or our pets, why of course we may
Because as it was stated so eloquently that love wins in the end
For we are the black robes in control with the power of the pen